  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago


This provides various information to the client.



cmd 257 (cmd & dsn & lid define type of persistr command)
dsn (cmd & dsn & lid define type of persistr command)
uid client's userid (or 0 if not logged in yet)
lid (cmd & dsn & lid define type of persistr command)
rid Counter used to uniquely identify commands.  Uses the persist rid if response to a persist command.
mtf* This is used to breakup large persist commands into a more managable chunks.  The mtf number is equal to the number of chunks left to send plus one.
body See bellow

*The mtf parameter is optional





dsn:101 lid:20

This is the first command sent by the server.  It contains various information.  This is sent prior to authentication.

AdUnitRefreshInterval 10
AlertPollInterval 180
ChatRoomUserIDs 78744676;142663391;142910130;123521495;138528147;140271072;163733130
CurClientVersion 595
EnableIMBrowse False
MaxAddAllFriends 100
MaxContacts 1000
MinClientVersion 529
MySpaceNowTimer 720
PersistenceDataTimeout 900
UseWebChallenge 1
WebTicketGoHome False



dsn:17 lid:26

I think this is for web authentication?

Challenge 1541863838
ChallengeData UnyWJKI10IKIGtuha0sKrJlJcHdsYzy1VDv5xej65sSSc0oHnp7haPVMuyygBNReEforfzAS4pn3nQISm6tjYg==


dsn:0 lid:1

List of all Contacts.

ContactID 6221
Headline :-)
Position 0
GroupName IM Friends
Visibility 1
ShowAvatar False
LastLogin 128177889600000000
NameSelect 0



dsn:1 lid:4

Information about a specific UserID

UserID 166189759
Sound True
PrivacyMode 0
ShowOnlyToList False
OfflineMessageMode 1
Alert 1
ShowAvatar False
LastLogin 128178583200000000
ClientVersion 595


dsn:2 lid:6

List of all Groups

GroupID 21672248
GroupName IM Friends
Position 1
GroupFlag 131073

dsn:4 lid:5

Further information about your own UserID.

UserID 166189759
ImageURL http:/1/1x.myspace.com/1images/1no_pic.gif
DisplayName displayname1
UserName myspaceimtestuserurl1
TotalFriends 4


dsn:4 lid:3

Further information about someone else's UserID

UserID 6221
ImageURL http:/1/1myspace-502.vo.llnwd.net/100000/120/152/12502_m.jpg
DisplayName Tom
UserName tom
BandName Sherwood
SongName The Only Song
TotalFriends 161390615



dsn:7 lid:18

Mail status.  The persist command for this is also used as a keepalive command for the client.

Mail On











 Friends.Visibility=1.AvatarUrl=.ShowAvatar=False.LastLogin=128177889600000000.IMName=.NickName=.NameSelect=0.ContactID=118072896.Headline=.Position=0.GroupName=IM Friends.Visibility=1.AvatarUrl=.ShowAvatar=False.LastLogin=128177868600000000.IMName=.NickName=.NameSelect=0.ContactID=166190943.Headline=.Position=0.GroupName=IM Friends.Visibility=1.AvatarUrl=.ShowAvatar=True.IMName=.NickName=.NameSelect=0.ContactID=166191715.Headline=.Position=0.GroupName=IM Friends.Visibility=1.AvatarUrl=.ShowAvatar=True.IMName=.NickName=.NameSelect=0\final\


\persistr\\cmd\257\dsn\2\uid\166189759\lid\6\rid\7\body\GroupID=21672248.GroupName=IM Friends.Position=1.GroupFlag=131073.GroupID=21672249.GroupName=Recent Contacts.Position=2.GroupFlag=196610\final\





\persistr\\cmd\257\dsn\4\uid\166189759\lid\3\rid\10\body\UserID=6221.ImageURL=http:/1/1myspace-502.vo.llnwd.net/100000/120/152/12502_m.jpg.DisplayName=Tom.UserName=tom.BandName=Sherwood.SongName=The Only Song.TotalFriends=161390615\final\


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