  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago


This is the most useful command.  It allows you to get various information from the server.

persist 1
sesskey sessionkey
cmd 1 or 2 (cmd & dsn & lid define type of persist command)
dsn (cmd & dsn & lid define type of persist command)
uid userid of client
lid (cmd & dsn & lid define type of persist command)
rid Counter used to uniquely identify commands.  It is incremented everytime so that it is always unique.
body sometimes has "UserID=<some userid>" depending on the command.


dsn:0 lid:1

List all Contacts.


dsn:1 lid:4

Get information about a specific UserID


dsn:2 lid:6

List all Groups.


dsn:4 lid:5

Get further information about your own UserID. (requires UserID=<your userid>)


dsn:4 lid:3

Further information about someone else's UserID. (requires UserID=<some userid>)


dsn:7 lid:18

Get mail status.  This is also used as a keepalive.













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